Man Collects Unique Collection of 3615 Mobile Phones

2024-08-20 // Le Podium India
A man in Spain has amassed a one-of-a-kind collection of 3615 mobile phones, setting a new record.

A man from Spain has created a remarkable collection of 3615 mobile phones, according to a recent article. The man, named Fernandez, developed a love for mobile phones when he received a grey Nokia 3210 as a Christmas gift in 1999. Since 2008, he has been collecting these devices and has managed to gather 3615 phones over the span of 16 years.

"My collection keeps growing. I have every Nokia phone that has been released, and furthermore, I have all the prototypes that never made it to the market," boasts Fernandez.

Some of the most unique phones in his collection include the Yoda, Starfighter, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Cyborg, and Padawan versions from the Nokia 3220 Star Wars Episode III collection.

"My current collection is the result of great perseverance and financial efforts. If you're a collector, you'll understand what I mean," he adds.